Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch

Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch is proud to support the excellent services provided by The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust.  Unfortunately, as a consequence of COVID the service provided by the Bobby Van has seen a reduction in home visits due to the service not being able to go out and give regular talks to groups that generates up to 50% of the work undertaken by the Bobby Van.
This message is going out to all Wiltshire NHW members on behalf of the Bobby Van who are actively encouraging interest in their FREE service.  The Bobby Van can visit anyone aged 60 or over, or younger if they are vulnerable through health or disability.  Experienced Bobby Van staff are able to do a security check and if appropriate make the home more secure by changing locks, installing door security chains, door viewers, window locks and other items to make the property as secure as possible (for which there is no charge).  At the same time, Bobby Van staff are also able to offer a FREE Fire Risk Assessment on behalf of Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service.  New alarms can be installed FREE of charge.
The Bobby VanTrust also has an ‘On-line Safety’ section in which a team of Police vetted volunteers are able to contact clients to ensure that they have basic knowledge to keep themselves secure on their mobile devices.  Once again, a FREE service.
Despite lockdown restrictions The Bobby Van staff continue to work and visit homes to keep people safe.
Do have a look at its website www.bobbyvan.org
or call 01380 861155
07901 717256
for help, advice and to arrange a visit.

Paul Sunners
Chair Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

Message Sent By
Paul Sunners (NWN, Chair and Committee Member, Wiltshire)